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Juniper Networks Contrail Networking
Cloud networking and service orchestration powered by open technology


Contrail Networking is a simple, open, and agile cloud network automation product that implements an SDN architecture. With its scale-out microservices architecture, Contrail orchestrate virtual network overlays at the performance and scale of even the most dynamic and large clouds. Service providers can use Contrail Networking to accelerate the deployment of innovative new services, while enterprises can use it to increase agility by enabling the migration of applications and IT resources to more flexible hybrid cloud environments.

Product Description

Enterprise IT is under increasing pressure to become agile and accelerate value to the business by adopting hybrid cloud architectures and delivering Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Container as a Service (CaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS) to their stakeholder lines of business.

Service providers are also challenged to rapidly monetize new and differentiated services to generate revenue while reducing CapEx and OpEx. For many traditional network service providers as well as new cloud service providers, expanding their portfolio to meet the needs of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and XaaS (i.e., IT as a Service, Software as a Service, etc.) is seen as the path to increasing monetization and differentiation.

Enterprises and service providers expect to seamlessly migrate their existing physical infrastructure—incorporating millions of dollars of equipment and years of operational experience—to the cloud era without having to “rip-and-replace.”

Juniper Networks Contrail Networking addresses these challenges with a pure softwaredefined approach that spans the boundaries and use cases of most physical infrastructure, orchestration systems, DevOps tooling, virtualization runtimes, and operating systems. It unifies policy for network automation across those variables with seamless integrations for systems such as: Kubernetes, OpenShift, Mesos, OpenStack, VMware, a variety of popular DevOps tools like Ansible, and a variety of Linux operating systems with or without virtualization like KVM and Docker containers. Contrail Networking reduces the friction of migrating to cloud by providing a virtual networking overlay layer that delivers virtual routing, bridging, and networking services (IPAM, NAT, security, load balancing, VPNs, etc.) over any existing physical or cloud IP network. It also provides multitenant structure and API compatibility with multitenant public clouds like Amazon Web Services (AWS) virtual private clouds (VPCs) for truly unifying policy semantics for hybrid cloud environments.

For service providers, Contrail Networking automates network resource provisioning and orchestration to dynamically create highly scalable virtual networks and to chain a rich set of Juniper or third-party virtualized network functions (VNFs) and physical network functions (PNFs) to form differentiated service chains on demand. Integrated with a cloud IaaS stack such as OpenStack and OpenNFV, Contrail Networking enables the agile creation and dynamic scaling of service instances with high availability and reliability. Contrail Networking also makes it really simple to onboard network functions onto the platform without requiring any API integration or modifications to third-party VNF software.

Contrail Networking is equipped with always-on advanced analytics capabilities to provide deep insights into application and infrastructure performance for better visualization, easier diagnostics, rich reporting, custom application development, and machine automation. It also supports integration with other analytics platforms like Juniper Networks AppFormix and streaming analytics through technologies like Apache Kafka and its API.

Contrail Networking’s control and management systems are also designed as scale-out cloud-native software with a containerbased microservices architecture that supports in-service upgrades. Because of its capacity to scale, Contrail Networking can orchestrate virtualized, automated networking for the most demanding elastic cloud and NFV use cases. Based on proven open networking standards, open APIs, and the OpenContrail open-source project, Contrail Networking integrates with orchestration systems through plug-ins that accompany the control and management systems; for example, the OpenStack Neutron plug-in allows you to drive SDN equally well from the OpenStack or Contrail Networking GUIs and APIs. Delivering predictable business agility and a low cost of ownership, this cloud networking platform will enhance and future-proof your investment in creating IT as a Service (ITaaS) with DevOps automation and bringing applications to the cloud.

On the journey to an agile and connected future, it’s best to work with an innovative technology leader who understands the enterprise and service provider industries intimately—a partner with significant experience in both networking and IT who builds solutions based on open principles. Contrail Networking stands out by delivering software-defined cloud networking and cloud service automation in a way that gives customers freedom of choice, intelligent automation, and always-on reliability.

Figure 1. Juniper Networks Contrail Networking
Figure 1. Juniper Networks Contrail Networking