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Use the Power of AI to Unlock 5 SD-WAN Superpowers

AI-driven SD-WAN powered by Session Smart is the only tunnel-free and session-aware SD-WAN solution. The tunnel-free architecture reduces bandwidth consumption, improving goodput percentage and user experience while minimizing costs and complexities. Session awareness allows routers to prioritize traffic and follow different security policies for different applications and users. AI-driven SD-WAN enables superior experiences for end-users and IT professionals.

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1 - Templating

You need to configure and deploy 10,000 routers quickly. Deep breaths. With AI-driven SD-WAN templating, you’ve got this. Not only is it easy to use, it’s also flexible and allows you to automate and expedite configurating and deploying new routers, services, and policies.

  • Simplify scaling one-to-many sites
  • Minimize the number of configurable elements that need to be adjusted
  • Eliminate inconsistencies

2 - Adaptive Encryption

We know that traffic needs to be encrypted. We also know this can impact performance. Good news: With AI-driven SD-WAN, you don’t need to sacrifice performance for security. AI-driven SD-WAN is a tunnel-free architecture, which adaptively encrypts traffic, saving precious bandwidth while bolstering defenses.

  • Ensure security without compromising performance
  • Minimize headend infrastructure needed to support IPsec tunnels
  • Boost application performance for improved user experience

3 - Inflow Performance Monitoring

Accurately measuring user experience without negatively impacting it is a challenge. Especially when so many solutions use bandwidth-intensive, out-of-band probes to measure network performance. Enter AI-driven SD-WAN. It approaches performance monitoring differently, measuring performance frequently in band, or inflow, with the sessions themselves—all without using a significant amount of bandwidth.

  • Get better visibility with more accurate measures of network performance
  • Enhance AI engine accuracy with more accurate performance data

4 - AI-Powered WAN Assurance

AI-powered WAN Assurance gives you granular visibility into network issues and actionable insights. You can find out exactly what WAN issues are causing poor end-user experiences from an intuitive dashboard—or by simply asking Marvis, Juniper’s AI-driven virtual assistant. The big benefit: You can solve issues that impact the user experience before the user even notices.

  • Get instant insights into WAN user experiences
  • Identify network issues with proactive anomaly detection
  • Reduce mean time to repair

5 - Session Capture

AI-driven SD-WAN gets you the information you need to find and fix network issues easier and faster. Gone are the days of filtering out useless data and searching router by router with other packet capture tools. The Session Capture tool allows you to track a specific packet, hop by hop, across the network.

  • Execute session-based packet captures across 2 or more routers
  • Set up packet captures intuitively and receive the exact data you need
  • Perform automated, trigger-based captures

Featured Product

The Juniper Mist WAN Assurance cloud service simplifies network deployment and operations, improves visibility into end-user experiences, and shortens the mean time to repair SD-WAN issues. Juniper provides industry-leading network automation and insight for optimum user, device, and application experiences in branch and remote locations.

  • Visibility into WAN user experiences with application-based context
  • End-to-end user impact analyses based on WLAN, LAN, and WAN telemetry data
  • Automated identification and correction of gateway misconfigurations and faulty interfaces

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