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Juniper Networks Junos Space Service Insight
Proactive, Specific Bug Notifications and EOL/EOS Analysis


Junos Space Service Insight helps network operators manage Junos products by giving them insight about critical bugs and lifecycle notifications that are relevant to their devices. Using Service Insight, network operators can plan more easily and efficiently, because this critical information is provided to them automatically. Space Service Insight is part of Juniper Networks Automated Support and Prevention.

Automated Support and Prevention Overview

Juniper’s Automated Support and Prevention (ASAP) solution is a collection of applications, tools, and processes that utilize Juniper’s expertise to automatically resolve product issues, prevent outages, provide insights, and increase productivity for customers. The ASAP solution includes Junos Space Service Now, Junos Space Service Insight, Juniper Case Attachment Tool Suite and Juniper Support Services.

ASAP instills customer confidence by ensuring that if Juniper’s products do encounter a problem, it will be detected quickly and presented as an incident in Service Now without operator intervention. Customers can use Service Now to submit the incident as a new support case, or configure a “zero touch” Auto-Submit Policy that will do so automatically. ASAP establishes Juniper as the premier trusted support provider for networking equipment.

Product Description

Junos Space Service Insight is a critical component of Juniper’s end-to-end Automated Support and Prevention solution. Service Insight delivers the automated prevention capabilities of ASAP by enabling network operators to identify and plan key areas of concern and plan for upgrades. It operates with the automatic data collection and transmission capabilities of Junos Space Service Now to retrieve important Juniper product information from Junos-based device at customer locations and compares this to an extensive knowledge base of known bugs and End of Life (EOL) and End of Support (EOS) plans for Juniper products.

Both Junos Space Service Insight work seamlessly with other ASAP components, including:

  • Advanced Insight Scripts: Running on Junos OS-based devices, these are eventspecific incident-management and intelligence scripts written by experienced Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center (JTAC) engineers. These intelligence scripts collect health and configuration data that is used by Service Insight. The AI-Scripts can detect over 400 events issues devices, collect required troubleshooting and diagnostic information, and send alerts to Junos Space Service Now.
  • Juniper Networks Support Systems (JSS): These are expert systems located on Juniper Networks’ premises. They are securely integrated with the service-automation solution to link a variety of knowledge assets within the Juniper Customer Support infrastructure and the Juniper Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. JSS also automates case escalation via Junos Space Service Now, case attachment with Juniper Case Attachment Tool Suite, and checks entitlement for Junos Space Service Now and Service Insight.