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Juniper Networks cSRX Container Firewall
Advanced security services to improve visibility and secure applications running in containers and microservices

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The cSRX Container Firewall delivers a complete virtualized solution with advanced security, automated life cycle, and policy management. The cSRX empowers security professionals to deploy and scale firewall and advanced security detection and prevention in highly dynamic container environments.

Cloud-based technologies have accelerated the adoption of container platforms over the last decade. The use of containers as a low footprint foundation for running microservices has introduced another layer of infrastructure that needs to be secured. Juniper Connected Security provides organizations with industry-leading security for their containerized workloads, extending visibility and enforcement down to the communications between individual microservices within an application.

Like all aspects of IT, containers need to be secured, and administrators need visibility into data flows moving into and out of these containers. Monolithic applications are not only difficult to scale, they become incredibly inefficient when scaled. As a result, developers are driven to split applications into microservices, which in turn is driving the adoption of containers.

The Juniper Networks® cSRX Container Firewall, a containerized version of the Juniper Networks SRX Series Services Gateways, provides visibility into the network, allowing organizations to respond more quickly to emerging threats. Individual containerized applications or microservices can have their own content security-enabled next-generation firewall (NGFW), or even an entire chain of network security services, depending on the need of the organization.

The cSRX supports easy, flexible, and highly scalable deployment options covering various customer use cases, including application protection, microsegmentation, or as an edge gateway for secure IoT deployments through a Docker container management solution. The cSRX also supports SDN via Contrail® Enterprise Multicloud, OpenContrail, and other third-party solutions. The cSRX also integrates with other next-generation cloud orchestration tools such as Kubernetes.

Enterprises migrating to virtual or containerized cloud-based microservices can take advantage of the cost savings, faster boot time, and greater visibility while maintaining the same security posture across their public and private cloud environments.

When deployed as part of Contrail Networking, the cSRX can participate in network function service chains, where it acts as a “bump in the wire” between two data flows and a target container. The cSRX adds security enforcement points where none have existed before, offering the most comprehensive network security for Kubernetes deployments.

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